Re: Any a/c guys?
Does the system call for 32oz in the 92?
Is the compressor running (Clutch engaging)?
If it is, what are the pressures your getting on your low side gauge.
Since you changed the condenser - the high side would be good to know as well.
If the compressor is comming on then I would say that those switches may be for something else, the key thing is the compressor coming on and the refrigerant flowing.
When you moved it over did you disassemble the lines from the compressor and reciever (accumulator) tank? the reason I am asking is to see if the cap tube is still there and if the screen was clean.
Let me know Shane and I bet we can get you going.
PS- I'm in houston and I know damn well that AC is as important as the motor itself! - Ive seen on the news that you guys are getting it good as well up there.