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Old 07-22-2006, 10:50 PM   #2
The LuvShack Garage
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Maple Grove, TN (West Side)
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Re: How do you remove the core support?

The easiest way is using a Sawzall

Seriously, you have to unbolt the fenders, the inner fender, remove all the
stuff in the way, like radiator, deflector sheild (67/68 only) grill stuff, latch
unplug the headlights, the turn signals, remove wiring harness from to the
battery, gosh I think that's it, but not positive, might as well remove hood
and YES I would use a sawzall to cut the 2 mounting bolts to the frame if
they are old, it's like slicing fresh butter, and they need replacing anyways.
Owner/Op: "TN Classic Transport Carriers"
The Toy: "Square Vette" 72 Hybrid Blazer
Toy Barn: "LuvShack" 40 x 60 x 20 Shop
Tow Piggy:"Maddy" 88 Silverado 3500
Hauler: "Feathers" 14 Aluma 8218T

Last edited by LUV2XCLR8; 07-22-2006 at 10:52 PM.
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