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Old 07-23-2006, 08:39 PM   #6
Hollister Road Co.
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Re: all rear guru's please read.............

On a 71 its 11x2 brakes with a 13.64" outside drum diameter. The other option in 75 is a 11 5/32" x 2.5" with a 13.34" outside diameter. Looks like neither will work for you. The axles I have here are all finned and all the pictures I saw of replacements either said finned or showed a picture of a finned drum. I think you may have to try to return them OR...

This is a long shot but you could try a junk yard and see if a same year Buick centurion rear drum will fit. They use the same front rotor on 73 c10 and 73 Buick centurions, not all years but several years they were the same. 71 centurions is 11" 5x5 bolt pattern with a diameter of 12.8", I just don't know the brake offset. It’s finned but not as heavy a fin. Cost is $18.00; part number is RAYBESTOS # 2059R. You should be able to get it locally or From what I can tell it’s a lighter finned drum but it should be ok as long as you’re not hauling a 1/2 ton or towing your house.... Sorry you'd have to live in Texas to try towing your house with a pickup.
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