I busted my butt doing home renovations this weekend...and the previous couple weekends as well.

To sum it up, I put in seven new windows, finished building a new 10x12 shed, tore down the old shed that was clinging onto the back of our garage, removed all the siding from the house and garage, replaced some facia boards, had the house sided (paid to have that done) replaced the garage window...blocked off the other, tore off the garage roof and replaced some bad wood (THAT sucked let me tell you!)...plus more I am sure I am forgetting. I still have to shingle the garage roof, build and install the entension jambs for the house windows, stain the new windows, paint a few exterior wood pieces the new house color...along with the gas and electric units. I am tired to say the least, but is is worth it ten fold!
Yeller has been sitting and watching...waiting for some attention.