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Old 07-24-2006, 10:46 AM   #11
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Re: What did you get done?

I had a busy weekend with a bunch of committments. I tried getting the alternator tested on my Camry, but the parts store guys can't figure it out. They don't follow the directions on their testing machine, but still tell me mine is bad. To make sure they don't sell me a $70 part because they don't know what they are doing, I have them test the new part. It shows up as bad, too. I don't know if they are idiots, or if their parts are as bad as mine. The results:

One tested on car, said alt has bad diode and battery is good

One tested battery in cars, says it is bad. I point out he has the tester hooked up wrong, he then says battery is good.

One tested alt off car, says diodes okay but alt is bad

One tested off car, says diode good but alt bad

One tested off car, seemed to actually understand how to use the machine, says alternator is good

These people drive me nuts!

I also washed and dried the Toyota and the truck.

'86 Chevy C10 (Sold 04/19/13 )
Stock '01 Silverado
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