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Old 07-31-2006, 07:22 AM   #5
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Location: beaumont,tx
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Re: What did you get done?

nothin much truck related but i fckin hate theives, mon mornin at 4:00 we get a call that our shops alarm is goin off so my dad goes to work and findsout that i had his keys and well that the shop was broke into well i get here and they tore open our back door, broke into the boss's office and stole a set of keys well the keys go to a new part of our shop that houses my dads show truck well the alarm must of scared them off because they tried to turn it off and wasnt successful but only other damage we see is they broke a sigh glass that are in our big azz role up doors but they got them unlocked but we have extra security when it comes to that shop but i been at work since 4:30 this mornin but it was a fun way to start off a week
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