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Old 08-05-2006, 05:19 AM   #27
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I feel the previous comments can be summed up with-------- You get pretty much what you pay for from any company.... Also, it sure makes sense to determine the usage of a tool; in other words you don't need Snap On quality (and price!) for very limited usage. Myself, The tools I use infrequently are all Harbor Freight. A HF outlet is only about 15 minutes from me; so that does make a difference. As to warrantly; I have found their response to be excellent. And I do have many good tools, Craftsman, Snap On etc. and you old timres will recognize Blackhawk, Proto, Plumb, ( the 'U" in Plumb ,was shaped like a triangle on the box end wrench set I have had for over 50 years !!!)......For the purists, Nicholson Files, Irwin bits, Plumb hammers, Disston and Atkins saws are top companies in their field...... Just my 2 bits worth ... lol.................Jim
'71 GMC;fleetside;PB/PS/AC/CC/402 Eng./Custom Paint/110,000act miles/3 fuel tanks(52gal).
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