Phantom....great truck. I am always looking forward to your progress pics. Glad to here you are to the point of the exhaust. One question I have though, is why are you running the exhaust in front of the rear tires? The reason I ask sithat a few guys around here have done the same thing and have regretted it. It is fine for in town cruising, but they have found out that on the road at highway speed, the exhaust tends to drone and makes it almost impossible to talk in the vehicle. Some can tolerate it and some can't. Don't get me wrong, I am not telling you how to do it as you have done all the right things on your build, but if you have never rode in one with the exhaust in front of the tires, you may want to rethink it. But if you have and like it....

BTW..if you haven't heard this before...FANTASTIC TRUCK!! LOL!!!