SCOTI- Why didn't you send some of that rain up here? We could use it
Friday- I picked up a fuel filter, pump, and line for the blazer. It looked like it was really old and the previous owner didn't have a filter installed.

I came back home and blew out the lines to the carb and to the tank. Made a big mess forgetting to open the gas cap and block off the return fuel line.
Saturday- I worked and came home. A couple buddies were coming up from McKinney to swap some parts and BS. They came up and I was getting some window regulators for my truck. I'll post more about the score in a different post. While they were here I showed them the blazer and I'd been stumped on why it wouldn't start. The starter sounded like it kept kicking back even with shims, new starter, and a new flexplate. Well long story short the torque converter bolts were the wrong ones (I reused the same ones from the PO), and the timing was WAY OFF. I had set it to TDC but the we got it to fire off a couple times. Once it was running it was a little loud with some minor issues like vacuum leak, timing off etc. Biggest thing they found was the timing chain was shot. So this week I'll be working on changing it out. This was making the engine jump time and cause the starter to kick back. The whole time was thinking it was the starter not getting shimmed right.
Sunday- I worked all day and into the night.