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Old 08-08-2006, 10:09 AM   #142
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Re: Jebb's Project 1959 GMC

The Bird is the Word!!! I would take it off his hands if he ever wanted to unload it. He is building some obscure Pontiac motor for it. He just got it back from the machine shop. So in a way I am helping both of our projects along, I'm just getting this "old junk" out of his way.

I was actually unable to finish yanking it out on Sunday however, my cousin's girlfriend had some bad luck and ended up in the hospital about 2 hours from here. He then ended up down there and I didn't think he would appreciate me pulling the engine out of his baby without being around to supervise. I know I would feel that way. Anyways, the plan is to get it out the next time we are both off. In the mean time I am buying paint for the inside of the cab and materials to build my tip and flip dolly tomorrow. The saga continues, stay tuned.
1959 GMC project
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