Re: Ran 11.44 @117.69mph
Thanks for the compliments! As soon as I can get my hands on a camera I'll get some more shots of it. It does have a cage in it. If you'll look at the pic that shows the rear of the truck, you can see one of the rear bars coming out below the top of front bed panel. It has a 10-pt 'moly cage with funny car bars around the driver. I didn't really want the funny car bars in it, but I did want it to pass a cert. and didn't want bars coming out of the top of the cab. The inspector said that the only way he would pass it with the back bars coming out of the cab so low would be to add the funny car bars for additional strength.
Definitely post some pics of yours when you can. I always like to see what other guys are doing with their dragtrucks!