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Old 08-10-2006, 10:53 AM   #7
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Re: applying for lost title

Originally Posted by Longhorn Man
Something smells funny on this one. I lived in Texas for 7 years ar so, and every old POS I owned (about 10 or so old vehicles passed through my hands) were reqwuired to be titled. Even the yard art vehicles were supposed to be titled. I got there in 94... I can't speak for anything before then... but it is more than just a few years ago.
I would be very carefull on this transaction... something doesn't look right.
As much as I hate dealing with the boneheads at the BMV, I say call them up and get there assistance. At a minimum, I woulkd go to them with that VIN and see if it comes back stollen or something.
Yeah I was a little worried about that after I called the BMV and they looked up the info on TX. Tell me, is there anything a person can do if it isnt stolen? What about buying a junker and switching seems to be a common practice with old cars, but is highly illegal.
1979 Trans Am
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