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Old 08-10-2006, 12:03 PM   #7
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Re: 68jimmy Is the MAN!!!

Yes it was heavey, 71lbs. with all the hardware included minus the glass. If anyone else does this take extra steps to protect the bottom corners due to the fact that they bend easey there and delivery drivers have a hard time handling such an awkwurd box. A 1"X4" the lenght of the door plus 6" to extend out past the corners may help. It may make it heavier but it would be worth it. I'm not complaining by any means about the way it was packed or shipped I was just thinking of a way to prevent it from happening to other board members and came up with this idea,again, Thanks to 68jimmy for helping me out. And the door want be hard to fix so its no big deal. 68 jimmy maybe you should go in the shipping bussiness, I am supprised that the door had any damage at all with all the foam around it. Again good job.
1972 chevy cheyenne 10,nothing special at the moment,Its a work in progress, Working on the engine, paint and body,engine, paint and body,now its the suspenion, ahh hell I'm about tired of working on it. Maybe it will be a rat rod.
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