Find the lift you want and then check with them on what they recomend for foundation thickness and rebar size and amount in that area.
But if you are smart (and you are asking now so I assume you are) you will want to do at least two built up footings for the posts. If you have no idea what you are going to use but you are sure it will be a two post and not a four then I wouls find out what the common spread is for the legs (I think around 120"). And at that point I would figure on a 4'x4' section that is 8" thick and add some extra rebar as well. If you were going with wire mat and not bar then for those two ares add 3/8 bar 12"oc (on center) in both directions. You will want the bar to extend out into your main slab by about 12" in each direction and tie it to your mat.
So a simple version is to find where your lift will be and dig two 8" deep holes, spread 6' long by 3/8" bars every 12" both ways and add concrete.

This will be fine for any two post lift so just figure what the spread is and go for it. Some will say this is over kill and they are right, when your car/truck is up on it and your kid is under it, it will not fall
over and
kill you! Good luck and be safe.
LFD Inc.