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Old 08-20-2006, 12:15 PM   #5
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Re: Headers Vs Stock Exhaust Manifolds

Do it however you want. The headers are good for exhaust floow and enhance the custom air cleaner that you have already or may want to install. More "AIR" in whch means that mmore "AIR" wants to get out. I am running headers on my 84 GMC , my son's 86 Silverado, my 95 Impala SS, and my 91 Silverado. I have had zero problems with these setups, because I used quality headers, gaskets, and bolts. In the past years, I have experienced problems with other cars and engines, but I learned from my errors and now I seem to have the better end of the deal. I have also seen individuals have problems with factory maifolds, such as bad donuts, bad gaskets. broken manifold studs, and head bolts. Cast iron is not always the answer.

If you choose headers, then I would definitely look for ones that are coated in a ceramic, to lower heat in the engine compartment and get a finish that does not rust.

Last edited by piecesparts; 08-20-2006 at 12:16 PM.
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