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Old 08-20-2006, 04:12 PM   #6
Rottenwood Garage Member
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Re: Diesel 67-72 pickups? are there any?

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
On your original question about factory light truck diesels.I think there were.In the thousands of trucks I`ve seen in two centuries(a bit of an exaggeration),I`ve never seen or known of one.But,in the 46-72 Series 10-30 parts book there are parts listed for truck w/diesel.There were propane trucks offered for a fact.I`ve never seen one of those,either.
I`ve been invvolved in the defense of 6.2/6.5 GM diesels when they`ve been called boat anchors,since I`ve gotten alot of trouble-free use for nearly 20 years out of them(no exaggeration).Although "I" believe the Cummins I-6 is hands-down the best light truck diesel out there,I have argued that it`s not the "easiest" to convert.I read the text and answer according to what the question is.The arguement has often been when someone asks what`s the "easiest" diesel conversion to perform and the replies answer what is the ultimate "best" conversion.Not always the objective for some.When it comes to simply try to save monwy on fuel,saving money on achieving that goal is important,that`s all.Someday,you "will" see me driving a Cummins-poqwered vintage GM.
Hey Special-K.....72Freak here....the unfortunate founder of the "BOAT ANCHOR" saying......Its funny this came up today.....I drug home a 6.2 4x4 Blazer today. This is the second 6.2 I have brought home with the starter mounting tab/tabs (bolt holes)broken off or cracked. The last one we did some creative welding that held 6 months. Have you run into this? Other than removal or welding attemps.....what can be done?
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