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Old 08-21-2006, 06:11 PM   #13
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Re: Wood Bed in '72 GMC Jimmy

Originally Posted by jc View Post
thats a nice mod (and i dont usually like anything but original) and a
great way to deal with the rust issues.

it must not be to easy other wise i would have seen it done more.

Actually it wasn't as hard as i thought, then again it was in the planning stage for 7 months. It just came down to not being able to get a rust free floor, and if it does rot out all I have to do is make my own wood this time as there is not much to them! The '73 and up rear crossmember made it alot easier, the holes that were predrilled were exactly where I needed them for the SS stripes, go figure!
As for the wheel houses, I thought I would have to section them, but I didn't. On the inner fender it has a crease that I had to bend around. I made a slice at the proper height and rebent the flange on the wheel house, and slotted the mounting screw holes,
The hard part was in the front corners, I had to route them out, about a 1/2 day on each one. It does look original, as I to am a fanatic about originality.
Sorry but I can't bring it to Slatington this weekend, I just couldn't get it done in time! Thanks for the compliments Jim
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Dont try this stuff in my build thread, unless you have 55 years of mechanical OTJ training

AS usual, off topic

They say your mind goes second, can't remember the first

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