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Old 08-27-2006, 10:23 PM   #1
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Silly request - Woodgrain bezel overlay

Hey guys...Some of you may know that I am wanting to smooth out the rough finish of my bezel, the part that is black. I have debated sanding it, filing it with high build primer or a self leveling epoxy. I think Longhorn Man has suggested getting the woodgrail overlay and painting it. I think instead of ruining a woodgrail overlay, I could just use it as a pattern. I would go to Home Depot and get some thin lexan and use the woodgrain overlay as a pattern, then paint the lexan the color of my truck. I can use an epoxy to adhere it to the bezel (thought of double sided 3M red tape, but it would be too thick). I would make sure it fit perfectly before assembling it as not to ruin my bezel if it is not a perfect fit.

SO, anyone have an old woodgrain bezel OR a template that they had made that I could get from them or know where I can get one inexpensively?



Last edited by BigMike; 08-27-2006 at 10:24 PM.
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