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Old 08-28-2006, 08:34 PM   #4
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Re: Updated Pics of Shop (it has walls)

since you asked about the lift here's what i've encountered with my family's shop 2 post lift.

-keep the oil topped off. if it get's low it makes noilse and may damage the motor/pump.

-check and lube the safetys every couple months. ours had a safty stick half engauged and it bent the hell out of it.

-keep break oil off of it! it will peal the paint very very quickly.

-make yourself a parts/tool tray to slip over one of the arms. it will keep you from loosing things and save your back at the same time.

-the arms work great to hang things your painting including frames.


Last edited by roj2323; 08-28-2006 at 08:35 PM.
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