Originally Posted by Shane
Go back and do your math again.
ez2wire = $149.00 + $16 shipping = $166
Painless = $379.00 (from Jeg's with AC)
Difference = $21
One continuous wire is "harder to trouble shoot?" How so? The less wire one has to contend with the easier it is to find a problem spot.
If NOT crimping a couple of wires is "Painless" then I would say you spent your money well. Hell, I will crimp a few wires all day long for $200.
This has turned into a pissin' contest ... not what I intended, just wanted to show that there are less expensive ways to do the same job.
Not sure about ya'll, but I could sure use that extra $200 on something else.
I did. 
lets say you have a short (tail light fuse is blowing when you put it in) trouble shoot it easier by unplugging it at the firewall ,now you have broken it down.... if the fuse is still popin you know its inside the cab, if not its on the outside..... why do you get so upset? are you the inventer of ez2wire,did you get a new crimping tool, and take up crimping as a hobby, painless blow you off at some show????? no need to cry its just wires....right?
check your math too!!!