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Old 09-01-2006, 02:35 PM   #5
Hollister Road Co.
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Re: Andy's Auto Sport Sucks

A few things to do when ordering from the web

Always print out the reciept from the site.
Always wirte down when you call them and why and keep any emails or copies of letters you send. who you talked to and what they said.
always return the item with thier RMA # if you can get one and with a tracking number and insurance. If they refuse to give an rma and return the package to you, then you may in some cases keep the product and the money. I've seen this happen. They can't refuse the request of a reasonable customer that follows their policies.

Credit card companies are trying to protect the retailer from you the consumer who may or may not be trying to rip them off. Thats the way they see it. so if you have everything lined up they can't reject your dispute.

Last edited by dwcsr; 09-01-2006 at 02:36 PM.
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