ya i considered the swing out but its not that hard for me to get in. i like the solid cage for stifness. as far as the back bar i originaly had it back near against the rear of the cab but the inspecter said it was not legal cause it would place my head to far under the main hoop. i thought about adding the extra bars to keep the bare back but then it wouldnt look as clean. the cage is nhra certified to go as fast as 8.5 secounds. what really made me mad is i have seen a couple of cars with the seat location well back under the hoop. one care didnt even have a rear seat bar. both were nhra certified. i guess its who you know...

anyways its nhra legal and im am only 38yrs old so i probably can put up with the configuration for a while. the only problem as far as comfurt is the throttle angle with my ankle.. its a little much but oh well. as far as how fast, i hope to run in the 9's..