I am getting close to having this tied up.
I have just been bumbling along with it, working on it here and there.
To fill everyone in, I am installing an aftermarket underdash unit that can be seen
I bought it from a local Hot Rod supplier, it is their brand. I think it is similar to some other setups out there.
Anyhow - As of last night, I cut my dash for the vents. Here's my pics. Enjoy.
I will try and get some pics of my condensor, compressor mounted, and of course the unit, etc. Just give me some time. This has been an evening project after work and all while trying to give the wife some time too, soooo...
BTW - Those are the Billet Specialties vents. I thought they were nicer than most other options, and I REALLY like them in the truck.
I did have to trim that dash brace though so that they would sandwich themselves against the dash though. Argh.