Yes, they ceased manufacturing R-12 on Jan 1, 1996. But the EPA still allows the sale of R-12 to licensed individuals. I took the on-line test at
EPA Test a few months ago, so I am certified to buy R-12. I think it cost about $20 and maybe 2 or 3 hours of reading the study guide. Piece of cake.
I just bought a full 30lbs cylinder of R-12 for $325 from a guy on craigslist. That works out to the equivelent of 34 14oz cans at $9.55ea. I think I paid about $8 a can for R-134a a couple months ago for my son's truck. Besides my '77 truck, I currently have 3 other vehicles that are of R-12 vintage. I plan to keep them that way as long as possible.
I've retrofit 2 cars to R-134a and was not satisfied with the performance of either of them afterwards. And I did it the right way by replacing the accumulator, the compressor, and then flushing all the old mineral oil out. You learn to appreciate a good a/c system when you've been stuck in Houston's rush-hour traffic on a 98° afternoon a few times.