Originally Posted by Jimbotronics
Please don't take this the wrong way, it's just a question. I've purchased from a majority of the vendors and don't have anything bad to say about any of them. My question is - I've asked each vendor that I've ordered from if there's a discount for board members even a break in shipping etc. So far I've yet to run across one vendor that offers anything special to board members so what's the incentive for using board vendor's? I'm guessing your answer will be because they pay a fee to the board for having their link listed on the board.
I don't think that price is necessarily the biggest advantage to using the board vendors, but the fact that those guys watch this board, know their trucks and can be counted on to resolve issues. Try getting LMC to help you figure out what you need. If you have a problem with a board vendor you have a lot better chance of getting it resolved in your favor from what I have seen.