Thread: 71 k5 blazer
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Old 09-15-2006, 04:07 AM   #6
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Re: 71 k5 blazer

Frame is the negative side. The Tan wire is your fuel gauge sender feed. If you unplug it and the gas gauge pegs to the right, it's not the gauge. Most likely the sender, inside the tank, or the brass float ball on the sender arm.
You will have to drop the tank to get to the sender and/or ball. On my '71 Jimmy, I will have to un-rig a tow hitch crossmember, and unbolt a bulletproof shield around the fuel tank. Since I hav'nt had the time to do all this, I keep a mileage log and make sure I don't go more than 200 miles before filling up again. [20 gallon tank @ 10 MPG]. Good luck. And welcome to the board.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
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