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Old 09-19-2006, 05:35 AM   #1
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72 Original wheel info needed

I'm new to the list and a new owner of a 72' Custom 10 Deluxe pickup.
My truck has a nice set of 73' and newer Rally wheels, which I notice is a popular change. But, I prefer the original wheels, whitewalls and hubcaps, a real "old man" look. I've got the right hubcaps and I'm looking for the correct - original style wheels.
Can anyone guide me as how to identify the actual correct wheels? I'm looking for pictures, dimensions, codes or anything to help me assure the wheels I find are correct for my truck. Unfortunately there are no junkyards in my area with these trucks, but they have racks of old wheels. I went to a junkyard they said "any 15" GM wheel will work", I'm not so sure. Any help or advise is appreciated.
Thank you, Libby
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