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Old 09-19-2006, 06:08 PM   #24
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: Crazy idea about painting my truck

I spray painted a car once. 81 Chevy Citation. It looked like crap, I had about 170 bucks in spray paint and it totally devalued the car. it looked better when it was silver and rust then after I painted it.
Then, i spray bombed my las truck in black primer. It looked OK for 4 months or so, then it started to fade from the sun, and it was also coming off as I washed it. I think i had 75 or so into that job.
I have not done the roller deal, but if I had the time to spare, and could have my truck down for a few days, then I'd try it. I do have a couple crazy ideas as to what I'll be doing to it aft4er I get back from Cali... within a month I expect it to be all one color, on the super low buck, trendy, and cool. (super low buck being less than 100...including paint gun)
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