You've missed the two important questions.
How do i controll the lock up converter
and how do i adjust the TV cable
#1 You can hook the linkage directly like it was on the Th350, but you won't be able to get manual first gear. In reality, I feel it isn't needed, but others disagree, and some have good reasons. If you have a non tilt, you can carefully adjust the linkages to where you can get all selections, but, you have to make sure the tranny is actually in gear, in it's detent. Some one on here moved the mounting o[point on his frame an inch or something and gained all kinds of room. I wish i could tell you more, but I didn't pay attention.
#2 You can reuse the drive shaft after havinf a drive shaft place cut it down and install another style yoke.
#3 After a good flushing, you can use the stock cooler, but IMO, and many performance tranny builder's opinion, you need a good aux tranny cooler. Don't get the cheap crappy ones with hose clamps that sell for 25 bucks, get a quality one. Look in any performance catalog, jeggs, summit....are there any more thse days?
#4 If you go to the junk yard for your tranny, get the dip stick and tube with the tranny. If you buy from a rebuilder, ask them what p/n they recomend... or, go aftermarket.
#5 You'll need to relocate the tranny cross member, just bolt up the tranny to the engine, and slide the crossmember into the spot you need it, mark the spots that need holes and drill them out.
#5a The tranny rebuilder should be able to help you out with speedo fears if it is an older 700, if it is a later one, you'll want to locate an old tailshaft so you can maintain the mechanical speedo, otherwise you'll need a hi-dollar adapter to take the electronic reading and convert it to mechanical.
#5b You may want to look at your rear end gear... if it is a 3.07, your MPG may well go down from lugging the motor too much.
#5c For the lock up control, B&M makes a cool little controller, you can adjust the speed you want the converter to go into lock up, or, you can go to the dealer, and get the vacume controlled (problematic) parts they used on the old TH350C.
#5d has the best kit out there for properly adjusting the TV cable. This is the most important thing to get right, becouse if it isn't dead on even though it feels right) yout tranny will die in less than 20,000 miles. It's expensive, but so is a replacement tranny. They also offer the correct accessories for your carb to get the right geomitry for the rate of pull needed on the cable.
A quick search on the subject will net you a BUNCH of threads with LOTS of info.