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Old 09-21-2006, 03:42 AM   #2
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Re: Anyone have Lojack?

Back when I bought mine it was about $750 or so, that was 2 yr ago. What Lojack doesn't tell you is that it has a limited warrenty and it's 2 years. Ok, maybe I didn't read the fine print... Then they will send you all kinds of mail wanting more $$ to extend it out.

They came to my house and installed it in the driveway, took about 1 hour and the tech will not let you look at where they place it or how it's done. 2 days later I had screws falling out from under my dash.... hmmm... lets see, new vehicle and the only person that had been under the dash was ??

Things to consider:
1. Does your state police or local law enforcement have the recievers? This think only works if someone picks up the signal. The transponder only has about a 1-2 mile range (limited by buildings & electronic interferance)
Since I live close to a major shipping port any stolen vehicle can be out of the USA and on it's way to Russia in a few hours. Tacoma WA. was in the top ten cities for stolen vehicles but much of that was due to chop shops and import cars getting ripped off & cut up at the rate of 2-3 per day.

2. Lojack is non-transferable, once you buy it and have it installed it stays with that vehicle PERIOD! It cannot be removed by them and they will not transfer the service to another vehicle. I think I read somwhere that it can be transfered to a new ower if you sell the car.

3. You may get a discount from insurance but you better ask first, some insurance compaines don't even acknowledge Lojack. I have Progessive and they give a small discount, about the same as having a $30 car alarm from radio shack about 5-6 bucks discount.

It is a theft RECOVERY device not a theft deterent, but they do not distingush between the two. If you keep it for the next 75 years maybe it will pay for itself if you renew insurance twice a year.

But....if you have a real HIGH DOLLAR vehicle and plan on keeping it for a long time in a high crime area then I would say go for it. Goggle Lojack they have a website that should list the current prices.

Last edited by Americanrider; 09-21-2006 at 03:45 AM.
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