Thread: new wheels
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Old 10-20-2002, 11:39 PM   #13
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Gilbert, AZ
Posts: 151
I bought the rears from Discount Tire here in Gilbert. They kinda let me hanging though. They sold me the rears and after I had taken delivery of the rears they told me they "couldn't" get the fronts. What it came down to is that because of the labor dispute over in so cal evrything was backed up supply wise. So they would have had to make a few phone calls and find a pair that were already at a distributor. So... when they say they "couldn't" what they ment was that they "wouldn't" I ended up going to a local family run wheel and tire place in Mesa, AZ (Thrifty tire and wheel). They tracked them down from a distributor in Texas and had them shipped in. I should have them this week. And I will never buy from Discount again!
I think they even sell them through Summit
Summit Racing
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