Well, I don't have any pictures, but I can describe what I did.
The '76 Cad column turned out to be the same jacket length as the stock column, so the only adaptation was to shorten the upper shifter sleeve (the part with the shifter handle) so that it would clear the gauge panel, and open up a notch in the pedal support to clear the ignition switch and rod. Then, because I cut the column anti-rotation locate tab, I welded in a pin that was a tight fit in a new hole in the column. That way, the column would go back in the same way every time and wouldn't twist or slide. The original column clamp holds it all up. The ignition switch required a custom harness with crimped "flag" terminals (90 degree) to clear the pedal bracket. The firewall clamp was reused, and the shift linkage was modified slightly. The PRNDL was a cast aluminum part unscrewed from a '66 or older GM big car, then carefully fit to the ignition lock bump on the Cad column.
The power BUCKET seat tracks I located on the forward outer seat boltholes. I drilled new forward inner holes, and both rear bolts went through a 1/2" thick aluminum bar to space the tracks up and stiffen the floor. Then I welded up a square frame from 1 1/2" channel on edge to adapt the power tracks to the Laser seats. The seat controls I hung from a bracket screwed to the seatframe adapter.
I guess I gotta get the site updated before it snows......
Just as if I knew what I was doin'