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Old 09-24-2006, 10:33 AM   #4
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Re: Project "Shop truck"

i should start with a "stock" truck myself and realy do a awesome paintjob on it to start with .
your future customers will look at the paintjob more than the tricks you put on it (from wat i hear you will start a bodyshop).
the bread and butter bodywork is wat will make you the most money , the custom work will eat alot of youre time even when its for paying customers the time it takes to do one custom wil be equal to 3 normal carswreck repairs and those customers will tell others about youre work , you'll need as mush people spreading the word as possible when youre starting
the money you want to put intoo the truck would be better spent in tooling out youre new company .
i allways go by the saying : IT TAKES MONEY TO MAKE MONEY

once you get the company running you could start over on the truck again and do some customwork

i hope you be able to make a living out of it .... i had to stop doing paint cause of an alergy to epoxy , the mistake i made was not to wear cloves when sanding and painting
i got a job again and having fun at it too

idea's for the trucks and the order of things to do are taking shape and get closer to being realized , a few more months and i be able to start building for real

i complete 2 of the trucks intoo running fashion one custom and one basicly stock the thirth will be sacrificed for parts
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