Thread: Winch Help
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Old 09-24-2006, 04:57 PM   #2
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Re: Winch Help

first rule of thumb is get a winch rated at least 1.5x your vehicles weight.

you only need a 8k, but dont be a cheap ass. stay away from mile marker, the warn 8000m, cummings winch, tmax, and champion, these are all exactly the same winch and are very very prone to breaking. the main reason they do break is how they mount, all the bolts go down and you are pulling sideways on them and wind up tearing the winch in half.

ALLWAYS MOUNT YOUR WINCH SO THE CABLE IS PULLING INTO THE BOLTS if it means you have to mount it sideway do it.

the best thing to start with is a warn 8274/8274-50, they are rated at 8k but are a much much better design and will last forever, mine is a '78.
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