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Old 09-25-2006, 12:12 PM   #1
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Has anyone made custom inner fenders?

Hello i was doing a search on "inner fenders" and i did see any custom inner fenders. I am not talking about trailer fenders modified to fit in our trucks. Those look nice but still have one side open for dirt and stuff to get on the firewall and engine. I was hoping to find someone who has a bagged truck with custom made inner fenders that actually work to keep dirt out of the engine compartment. I think that makes sence. If no-one does have any custom made can someone please enlighten me on how much dirt and grime you have on your firewall without the inner fenders. I love the look without the inner fenders but want to be able to drive it without spendy 5hrs detailing the engine compartment. If you put the trailer fenders on does that just eliminate rock chips on the firewall? Any comments would be much appreciated because i want my truck really low but want to show off the engine compartment and if that means leaving the stock fenders in and not layer rocker then i might have to sacrafice that . Thanks Josh
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