Thread: Brake Bleeding
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Old 09-26-2006, 10:57 PM   #2
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Re: Brake Bleeding

It wouldn't hurt to bleed them all. The easiest way to do it is to get the bleeder at Autozone or some other parts store for $35.

If you don't want to spend the dough, get a big bottle of brake fluid, a hose, a jar, and a buddy.

Put a couple inches of fluid in the jar, one ind of the hose in the fluid, the other on the bleed valve of the passenger rear wheel. Open the vlave and have your buddy press and release the brake slow and steady a few times. If the fluid looks dark and cloudy, then you will want to top off the M/C and repeat until the fresh fluid reaches the jar. Open valve, pump 5 times, close valve, top off fluid.

Once the fluid looks good, pressurize the line. to do this, have your buddy pump the pedal 3 times, then hold it down. While he holds the pedal open and close the valve. The pedal will go to the floor when you open the valve, hold it to the floor until the valve is closed. Make sure you see no bubbles. If you do, repeate the pump and hold until you don't.

Repeat with the drivers rear, then the passenger front, then the driver front. Don't let the fluid level drop too much in the M/C and make sure there is fresh fluid in all the lines with no bubbles.

Hope that helps. It's easy once you've done it a few times.
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