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Old 09-27-2006, 12:45 PM   #1
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new take on a 73-87 R/C

OK, Tamiya has relaeased a new 4wd 3-speed Radio Controlled truck called the Ford F-350 High Lift...

...and it is a thing of beauty from a R/C standpoint. While I am not crazy about the body on it, that can be solved easily by adding a Tamiya Clod Buster body on it, as this guy did on a message board I visit once in a while.

The truck is not cheap at $400 plus (not including radio gear), but if money isn't an issue and you want to build a replica of your 1:1 scale 4wd...this would be sweet!

Just passing this along.

Last edited by bigblock73; 09-27-2006 at 12:47 PM.
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