Re: Who has bent thier own brake lines?
I've done it several times on both brake and fuel lines.
A couple things I would recommend.
1. Take your time.
2. Mock up what you want your line to look like and how you want to to route with a piece of mechanics wire, or a coat hanger or something before you start bending the 'real deal' tubing.
3. Absolutely have the right tools for the flaring ends. Brake line fittings are double flared and are at a different angle then fuel, A/C, etc. Or you can go to the parts house and by sections of line in different lengths with the correct diameter and fittings already installed.
4. Make sure you have enough room before the first bend for installing the fittings and for using the flaring tools.
5. Use a tube bending tool. There are other techniques and they work . . . but this tool is great to keep from crimping a line after you already have some times in its fabrication.
6. If the line will be exposed to road debris . . . put gravel shield on it. If it would have had this from the factory . . . it needs it now.
Hope .02 cents helps.