Thread: Brake Bleeding
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Old 09-28-2006, 09:29 PM   #10
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Re: Brake Bleeding

I fabbed up a shade tree pressure bleeding set-up that has worked great for me. I started with a 3x6x1/4" piece of steel plate, and an 1/8" piece of rubber the same 3x6" to use as a gasket.. Drilled a hole and threaded in a male air hose nipple into one end. I clamp this on top of the master cylinder with a C-clamp (with the lid off and the resevoir full of fluid) and hook up an air hose regulated down to about 5-10 PSI. Put a hose onto the bleeder and crack it open until clear, fresh fluid comes out. Remove the air hose and clamped on plate, top off with fluid and repeat on next corner of vehicle. Works like a champ and can do it by yourself.
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