Thread: door hinge pins
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Old 10-21-2002, 04:15 PM   #1
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door hinge pins

I am going nuts trying to get the drivers side $*&#$^! hinge pins out. I can't seem to hammer them out from the bottom. I soaked them with penetrating fluid, and heated the hinges with a propane torch, I tried driving the head of the pin up off the hinge with a chisel, and prying up on it, but still no go. Thev'e been on there for 33 years and the rate I'm going will still be on there for another 33 years. Talk about frustrating. Good thing I don't have a cutting torch.... Any help would save my sanity.
1969 G.M.C 3/4 Ton 920 (Canadian Version) 307 3 speed, currently apart
1998 Chevy 1/2 ton ex cab V-6 5 speed
1967 Chevy SWB - project truck; not started just yet
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