Re: Not able to finish truck, should I part out or sell as is? Please don't delete post
~ Jason: Simmer down bro.
I don't think anyone meant anything personal or insulting, they were just telling you how it really is. You did, afterall, ask for opinions and that's what you got. cdowns is a straight shooter and isn't one to sugar-coat things, much like myself. I know it has gotten me in hot water on more than one occasion and most times it was because someone took what I had written the wrong way.
You have to decide for yourself what is best for YOU. None of us here can tell you how, why or when you should sell your truck. Whether it be in peices or as a whole.
~ Everyone else: Around here (locally-where Jason & I live) salvage yards still have a pretty decent supply of things such as hoods, fenders, cabs, etc. that are still usable, for the most part. Peices don't sell for jack around here, whereas a SWB "roller" (less motor - tranny) can bring decent change if the assembled "peices" are in pretty decent shape. Thus the reason for me telling him to sell the truck whole.
It would also only be ONE headache to get rid of it as a whole truck/roller, as opposed to MULTIPLE headaches if he parts it out. Less money? Probably. But he can get whatever it will bring and move on.
Not meant to "stir the pot" ... only clarifying why I posted as I did.
Last edited by Shane; 09-30-2006 at 11:48 PM.