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Old 10-01-2006, 01:43 AM   #15
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Re: Not able to finish truck, should I part out or sell as is? Please don't delete post

If you sell off the parts, I doubt you would sell everything, so be prepared to take things to the recycle yard, or the dump. I bought my truck for $600 in good running condition of Craigs List. So if you expect to get more than $400 for something someone would need to trailer, you have some high hopes.

You could make $1000 or more selling off the parts, but it would be a huge pain and my guess would be that it would take you at least 6 months to find buyers for everything.

I bought a set of hood hindges for $15, sand blasted and powder coated them (took about an hour and less than $1 worth of powder) and sold them for $75. If you strip/prep/prime a lot of stuff, you would make more of each part than just posting dirty/rusty/old looking parts as well.

Best of luck.
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