Thread: Dumb question?
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Old 10-03-2006, 08:41 AM   #11
Old Duffer
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Re: Dumb question?

Useing the grid from GMC Pauls, you may have to "Re program" your wireing harness plug to match the wire ribbon on your cluster. All this amounts to is removing an individual connector from the harness plug and moving it to another slot to match the wire in the ribbon for the instrument you want to power up.

The connectors in the harness plug go into a slot that looks like a very fat, short "T". Insert a paper clip or tiny screwdriver into the leg of the "T" from the open end and pull the connector and wire out of the plug. Bend the little tang on the wire connector up a little and re insert it into the harness plug so it matches the wire in the ribbon ( or printed circuit) when the plug is reinstalled. You can pre test the circuits one at a time with a volt-ohm meter. It takes a little longer, but you're not as likely to smoke your gauges.

If you are going from "idiot lights" to gauges you have to change the sending units, but you can use the same wire.
'68 Short C20 Flatbed Dually
w/ 292 4bbl, Langdon cast headers,
and WC T5 trans.

'81 G10 Shorty Van

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