Re: What did you get done? 10/01
Jeff, i could write something up but i have only the pics you see i did take some of the install but they didnt come out so i deleted them cuz the truck is black and the shop im in is sorta dark.
If you still want me to do something on it, it will have to wait cuz i lost the engine in my Tahoe and i'll be working on it for the next week or so maybe less it just depends on when the new eng. arrives.
Brandon, Yes it works if you look at the pic of the mirror you can make out 89* but the flash of the camera kept making the mirror go into the dim mode so i was unable to get a good pic of the temp/compass display.
The display only shows one or the other so you have to toggle between the two modes.
There is a mirror form a later model tahoe that shows both at the same time but at the time i got this one from ebay there wernt any up for auction.
Last edited by 87 STEPPER; 10-05-2006 at 12:42 PM.