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Old 10-05-2006, 05:04 PM   #12
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Re: Man did i spend alot of money today!

It has been an exciting week. I am building the frame out of 2x4 tube steel. I just got it all welded up. I still have tons of stuff to do on it but it is definately taken shape fast. So when i get some of the stuff from Nathan i can hopefully get it a rollin chassis .

Orange- don't they look sweet. I love those wheels. I am not going to have them powdercoated until i am almost done with the truck. So chrome for now.

Yukon Jack- Thats the idea. Hopefully it will be a head turner when all done. I plan on showing the truck for the first year then maybe turning it into a driver.

JimmyDean- thats funny! I should tell my wife to do the same .
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