Thread: air shocks ....
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Old 10-05-2006, 06:06 PM   #2
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Re: air shocks ....

If you mean the inflatable/adjustable type for heavy loads, both Gabriel and Monroe carry them. I have the Gabriels (called Hijackers back then) on my '77 'cause that's what came on it. I can't say either brand is better than the other.

Assuming it's load-type shocks you want, you'll likely need something strong on the front, since the air shocks are large-piston types that dampen things heavily. The fronts can end up feeling like they're bobbing up and down. KYBs were worthless, so I went with Edelbrock IAS's, though Bilstein would probably have done as well. Very pleased with the Edelbrocks; not a harsh ride but well damped.

Of course all this assumes I'm answering the question you meant. If not, nevermind...
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