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Old 10-09-2006, 03:09 AM   #4
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Re: Installing a 2004 seat in a 71

Originally Posted by RSRXION View Post
I opted not to use the later model seats in my 72. The problem comes in the measurement for diagonal legroom. The 88 up cabs are 6 inches longer than the 67-72 with respect to the measurement from the throttle pedal to the base of the back window. I was also going to put the 03 Silverado seats in with the built in seat belts but the legroom would have been terrible for me. I'm 6'3" and 250 lbs. The Silverado seats are much thicker in both the seat back and the seat bottom forcing the driver to sit higher and further forward. Headroom is also an issue. What I settled on was a 60/40 seat out of an 88 Cheyenne and the seat belts out of a 96 Tahoe. When I get the paint etc... all done I'll have the seat recovered in leather . I'm also using a 14 inch steering wheel out of an 80's camaro and a tilt column. This makes getting in and out a snap and the seat is really quite comfortable. I'll attach a pic of the seat in its' trial fit stage. Of course Shifty is right in that you'll need to properly reinforce the floor / bolts. Good luck, Dean

Is that measuring with or without the in cab gas tank?i can't see because of the bright sun.I think i remember seeing a braket or somthing that you can buy that lowers the silverado seats,but im not 100% sure.
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