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Old 10-10-2006, 11:05 PM   #1
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anyone wana swap stepside for fleetside?

just curious, im going to convert my truck to a fleetside and was just going to throw out the possiblity of a trade... the bed is in good shape, has some surface rust on the passenger side where i completly stripped it w/chemical and never got around to finishing the rest of the bed.. i know im an idiot.. anyway the bed is pretty straight, it has some crash damage that had been repaired, but the bedsides arent perfect.. has a plywood floor, anyway just thought i would throw this out there.. also if anyone wants the bed or has a damn nice fleetside they want to sell pm me, im not wanting to jack w/bodywork.. i just want new/nice panels to take straight to the bodyshop and have painted.. im in oklahoma city, anyone interested let me know
67' in the "build" process.. soon to be bagged, big wheels ect, finally got it back home!!
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