Originally Posted by 724wdcopper
perhaps there is some confusion as to sealed beam halogens and replaceable bulb halogens... not sure, just an idea. i have Hella headlights with H4 bulbs (5 low/100 high) and they are FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC! and that is with the facotry harness...
I put hellas in my truck too about 6 years ago, but the H4's in mine are 55/100.
I also put relays in and all new wiring from the firewall forward.
I have a GMC, so it was a bit harder to find the 5 3/4" bulbs instead of 7" like in the chevy. but since it was so long ago, the lenses were damn expensive. But I really thought it was worth it. With the lenses being made by many companies, and easy to find and cheap, I'd say it's definitly worth the $