Thread: PO has me PO'd
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Old 10-13-2006, 06:38 AM   #30
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Re: PO has me PO'd

Originally Posted by jaros44 View Post
I have the cowl hangin' from a pipe that goes across my workshop, plus I have taken a diagonal measurement across the door opening. When I mount the door back on that becomes the final check, worked for the drivers side. I think that as long as you don't fool with brace/channel that connects the cowl with bed evrything should stay in place. Only do one side at a time, I think you said this? I usually give the winch 1 or 2 clicks up after I cut to prestress the metal. I guess there a lot of ways to do this.
Your green truck has always bin one of my fav. ones, although mine will never be that nice, I shot for that excellance
Sorry to bring back rusty memories, I think the cure is to buy a Arizona truck. Hope they realize how lucky they are!!
Sounds like you have it covered.
Knowing is half the battle.

AZ. rides definetly have an advantage but their not perfect by any means either.
I flew out to AZ. and drove my green one home because I was thinking along those same lines, cool adventure but not even close to rust free.
Not meaning to highjack and nowhere near your metal replacement but here's what my AZ. blazer was like. (yes, there was more on the other side too)

What color are you going to paint it when the body work is done?
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